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What's the connection between Steve Wozniak, the Pope, and Henry Kissinger?

That's right, it's HACKING. We saw these lines somewhere on internet but doesn't it make total sense!

Let us tell you some quick awesome sausome facts about Hacking!

1. If you think Hacking is New, then you are mistaken fella. It dates back from the times of our grandparents or even great grandparents. In 1903, a magician and inventor Nevil Maskelyne disrupted John Ambrose Fleming's public demonstration of Guglielmo Marconi's purportedly secure wireless telegraphy technology by sending insulting Morse code messages through the auditorium's projector.

2.You were interpreting your hat colours all wrong (if you were doing so) because these hats have all new meaning. Don't Judge !

3.Meet Mr. Mogambo of Hacking ! Kevin Mitnick At age 13, Mitnick used social engineering and dumpster diving to bypass the punch card system used in the Los Angeles bus system. After he convinced a bus driver to tell him where he could buy his own ticket punch for "a school project", He was able to ride any bus in the greater LA area using unused transfer slips he found in a dumpster next to the bus company garage. Social engineering later became his primary method of obtaining information, including user-names and passwords and modem phone numbers.

LATER... He used cloned cellular phones to hide his location and, among other things, copied valuable proprietary software from some of the country's largest cellular telephone and computer companies. Mitnick also intercepted and stole computer passwords, altered computer networks, and broke into and read private e-mails. Well he got jailed for this, so don't be much happy !

4. Cheers to Money.

The payee of an Ethical Hacker is no less than a general coder. Infact, various top companies and even schools and colleges pay upto 10 lacs for Certified Ethical Hacker in India. Across the seas, The payout goes upto $120,000 with bonus of upto $17000.

5. Cool STuff To Learn. Guess What, Jaipur will be witnessing one such event on 16th and 17th of July 2016 where anyone, yes we said it, ANYONE can learn the hacking tips. We are not over yet.! Get the hacking tools that you would find on internet for amount equal to Gold and a cool book to groom yourself for becoming the good Kevin Mitnick and play in money.

Just the end ! Get a chance to win prizes worth Rs 20000/- including smartphones and amazing vouchers. WORTH A SHOT!

Also use the coupon code "SsupLovesHack" to get discounts on tickets.



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