Timeless Principles.
“The world is changing and will continue to do so, but that doesn’t mean we should stop the search for timeless principles of self improvement or turning things from good to great.”
There are many engineers and scientists out there(hoping they are reading this post ☺ ), I would suggest them to ponder the above notion in terms of there own field, while the practices of engineering continually evolve and develop, the laws of physics remains relatively unchanged(mostly!! ).
As one think , proceed on the same thought process, the question is inevitable to arise “The search for timeless principles, what for?” . One of the smart answer would be, anything and everything, it is human nature and god’s will to be curious. To practice them and to teach them, to make world a better place.
Abolishment of selfishness, might be accepted by most of as a eternal principle to move towards a better self, which we might point is our ultimate goal, not to be content by the life given by the society or luck. But people have a tendency to disregard the fact that those striving to achieve a “better self” are invariably showing a certain degree of selfishness(not a choice).
In each generation, there are people who challenge the conventional, they seek to move out of the clutches of destiny(perception…), but we all are different and there can’t be something that would apply to us all, or is there??
It might be something as general as “shifting towards a happier self”, which I think, and most people of our age group, and above my meager intellect( the general population) would agree that is too general to become a principle. But to all of them, I would suggest (or i would, if I could go as far as to insist) them to think again!!. “The hardest answers are always the simplest ones”. Nature has always found a way to hide its deepest secrets into the plain sight, and it has been proven from time and time again, astounding scientific discoveries of ,principle of gravity to law of conservation of mass. I would end this article, but again would maintain and insist the general population to think on the stupid notion.
“I can control my destiny, but not my fate. Destiny means there are opportunities to turn left or right, but fate is a one way street. I believe we all have the choice as to whether we fulfill our destiny, but our fate is sealed"~ Paulo Coelho “