Caution: Do Not Try These at Home !
Well, Kevin, most of the time follows the principle of "Blood vs Blood". Just Joking! :P
But the following fighting styles do.
(Combat or fighting is a purposeful (PURPOSE ??????) violent conflict meant to weaken, establish dominance over, or kill the opposition, or to drive the opposition away from a location where it is not wanted or needed.)
1. Muy Thai
Otherwise known as the “Art of Eight Limbs” for its heavy inclusion of elbow and knee strikes. The hands become the sword and dagger; the shins and forearms were hardened in training to act as armor against blows, and the elbow to fell opponents like a heavy mace or hammer; the legs and knees become the axe and staff. The body operates as one unit. The knees and elbows constantly searching and testing for an opening while grappling and trying to spin an enemy to the ground for the kill.
Now this is some serious brain work -_-

2. Pugilism
Also known as boxing, this combat sport is seen in numerous variations around the globe. It is notoriously dangerous as the head is a primary target and it was even outlawed in several countries during the nineteenth century. goals have been to weaken and knock down the opponent.
*Knock Out* x_x

3. Vale Tudo
Portuguese for “anything goes”, this is a full contact combat sport popular in Brazil. The only problem is that it is so dangerous and bloody that it often creates quite a stir in the media. From 1960 onwards, Vale Tudo remained a mostly underground subculture, with most fights taking place in martial arts dojos or small gymnasiums.
Bloody Business !

4. Ninjutsu
Practiced by the shinobi, or ninja, in feudal Japan, this martial art focused on unconventional warfare, espionage, and assassination. Its practitioners were even sometimes referred to as hinin, or non-humans (Hmmmm!). Throughout history, the shinobi were assassins, scouts and spies who were hired mostly by territorial lords known as the Daimyo. They conducted operations that the samurai were forbidden to partake in.
#TeenageMutantNinjaTurtles. No offense.

5. Krav Maga
Developed for use by the IDF or Israeli Defense Force, Krav Maga is a non sport martial art, meaning it doesn’t concern itself with the opponents wellbeing. It is a combination of techniques sourced from aikido, judo, boxing and wrestling, along with realistic fight training (Is anything left ! ). Krav Maga is known for its focus on real-life situations and its extremely efficient and brutal counter-attacks. Krav Maga has a philosophy emphasizing threat neutralization, simultaneous defensive and offensive maneuvers, and aggression. (Is Anything Left. Repeat !)

Damn! They are just few of the many deadliest fighting styles. We repeat DO NOT TRY THESE AT HOME, infact ANYWHERE.
As our Father of the Nation has said, "Non Violence is a weapon of the strong."
This implies Banana Team is soooooo STRONG ! :P
Special Mentions: Wikipedia (You will always be our Saviour XOXO)